Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Alders Farm Pines Lake 24 09 13

Due to shift patterns I have been unable to attend the regular Tuesday Opens at Alders Farm for a few weeks, but now there are three available Tuesdays to fish. I woke up a little late and did not feel my usual self, I do not know whether the fog outside the window had anything to do with it or just simply that I was running late. Those that know me, know I hate being late. However I still made the draw in time and managed to get prepared in plenty of time.

There were 13 likely looking lads forming an orderly queue into the draw bag when it finally came to me turn. Peg 16, a good peg which is a match winner on its day. Not one of my favourites though as I prefer a bit of water under the float and this is one of the shallower pegs. Vic had drawn peg 26 and was in for a good days fishing as he had space around him. Kevin Arathoon had also come out of retirement and was giving his pole a workout on peg 13. Mick was busy spoiling his good lady and taking her away for a break. I would have thought she would have preferred to go with a friend but apparently not.

The first thing I noticed was that the colour had dropped right out of the lake, it was clear to about 4m where I could see the bottom in 18 inches of water. Not good and even Josh opposite on peg 8 was in the process of setting up a method rod. Still I had come with a plan and was going to stick with it, no matter the peg drawn.

I was going to fish 2+2 with stinky corn feeding standard corn. I had 3 kilos with me plus a couple of tins if required, however with the colour of the water would expect to use of 2 kilos at most. For tackle I was going to set up 3 identical rigs all set to fish 2ft deep at 2+2. NG Edger float .2g to size 14 PR36 with 3 number 10 Stotz on .18 Stroft. The only difference being the length of line above the float. One was around 10inches, the second around 18inches and the other around 2ft. This would allow me the flexibility to fish past the area, or slap the rig if needed.

At the all in I threw in around 8 grains of corn onto the line and placed a grain of stinky corn on the hook, nothing, fed again and again, in fact every 20 seconds 4 grains were going in. After an hour I had nothing in the net, just foul-hooked one fish which I lost. I finally started to get a few fish by fish off the feed about a metre to the left. I was way behind everyone else. Josh was going well catching on a top two and both Simon Edwards and Roy Miller were catching well. Roy was learning loads from the "legend" as he calls him.

I would like to say that things improved but the reality is they didn't. I was picking up odd fish and not from the same part of the swim. There was no consistency to my fishing. I had a couple of fish slapping, then nothing, a few fish shallow then nothing, a few deep then nothing. Everyone else seemed to be catching. After 5 and a bit hours I knew I was well battered.

It seems that Kevin had packed up early after a lot of scum had blown into his peg and he could not present a bait properly. Vic had to dash off half way through with around 180lb in his net. And I had only 90lb to show for sticking it out.

Josh had fished a superb match to win it from peg 8 with 370lb followed by Hugh Crawford on peg 31 with 259lb. Josh winning by a clear ton. Charlie Lancaster was third in a tight finish pipping Mal Talbot 238lb to 231lb with Simon "legend" Edwards 223lb.

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