Saturday, 10 May 2014

Viaduct Fishery Costcutter 08 05 14

After yesterdays match on Cary, where all the favoured pegs performed, Thursday's match was spread out on Cary and Campbell. The wind was still blowing hard into the Top end of the lakes and plenty of rain was forecast. Indeed it was raining as we tackled up. 32 anglers were chancing the arm and who would have believed where we ended up. Mick had drawn peg 78 on Cary, next to where Vic had caught the previous day and we all thought he could do well from there. Vic had drawn 123, myself 125 and Del 126 all on Campbell and three GOT anglers in a row.
I had a plan in my mind to fish the bomb for the first hour and was going to fish hard pellet at 12.5m and Stinky Corn over corn at 7m. I rigged up the bomb to fish double baits as this had caught me some fish the day before but I could change later if required. Pole lines where the same .3g MW diamonds in 3ft and 7m and just a float length difference at 12.5. All were tied to .18 Stroft and a PR38 hook with strung out shotting.
At the all in I cupped in a pot of corn and pellet on 7m and a pot of 4mm onto 12.5 lines. I would feed the corn close in by hand as usual and not go over it for the first hour. Before casting the bomb to around 25m. I started pinging 3 or 4 8mm pellets but the tip would not move. Vic was doing the same and in the same boat. Del was fishing the pellet waggler at depth and was still biteless. A change to single 10mm GOT Jupiter saw my first fish with around 3/4hr gone. A common around 7lb. Before I saw Vic playing his first fish. Del was on the pole line now and getting odd skimmers.
I had a quick look at 12.5 and with no bites I was giving the 7m line a whirl. In fact first put in the bait had only just hit the water before the elastic streamed out and my second carp of the day was on. My next 7 put ins produced 5 carp around 7lb apiece and by the second hour I was on approximately 50lb in my first net. Vic had a couple of carp and was now trying the margins whilst Del was doing the same.
I kept plugging away on this line but with the wind blowing harder and the tow getting stronger I was struggling with presentation. I then decided to ditch 12.5m and use the rig to fish overdepth on the 7m line. I moved the float down half a float and this had the effect of slowing the travel through the peg. Bites returned and I was now getting skimmers and odd tench as well as carp to 10lb.
Hours three and four flew by and although I lost a couple of fish I was still putting fish in the nets and trying to stay within the 70lb net limit. I was still feeding corn by hand and fishing Stinky Corn on the hook and although Vic and Del were still catching I knew I was still in front of them.
Hour 5 and 6 saw my catch rate slow slightly, where I was having to wait for a bite but by fishing to the edges of the peg at 7m I kept some fish coming. I tried fishing a metre closer and further but this had no effect.
At the all out I felt as if I had fished a good match on a method I am comfortable with. I had 2 fish on the bomb and the rest at 7m with Stinky Corn. I reckoned on 150lb of carp along with 25lb of silvers and although I thought I would win nothing due to the wind blowing into the favoured pegs on Cary and the corner peg 119 on Campbell I was well pleased to see 187lb on the weigh board next to my name consisting of 156lb of carp and 31lb of silvers. Mick had caught 56lb from his peg on Cary so the MK Nugget was back with me to end the week 8-5.
This was only good enough for second on the lake though and with two other weights of 200lb on Cary I managed 4th place overall and another GOT angler in the frame at a venue not regularly visited. Vic had 130lb with 108lb of carp and 22lb of Silvers whilst Del had his carp net disqualified for being overweight and placed 19lb of silvers on the board. Which was good enough for second and third respectively in the silvers pool. Another good days fishing.

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