Sunday, 6 July 2014

Stafford Moor 28 06 14

The last Saturday in June was here and our holiday with the Yam Yams started with me travelling over to Vic's house to make the 4hr trip to Stafford Moor Fishery for a week of fishing, drinking, eating, fishing and even more drinking. I admit that my results at the more are not brilliant but with each time I go I tend to learn and improve, picking up new skills and tips that hopefully will stand me in good stead in the future. I had collected enough pellets for the week ahead from the lads at and from and would like to thank them for the speed and quality of the baits supplied. Excellent service.
With a brief breakfast stop at Taunton Deane services out of the way we were soon rolling into the car park at the Moor where we met up with a few of the other lads intent on having a practice before settling into the lodges. We had three lodges and with another group booked into Hollywood from MK and Luton area, we soon were making friends and discussing new things to think about. In fact Joe from Hollywood lodge actually works with my sister and we have met a few times at the Moor.
Vic and I settled into pegs 9 and 11 on Tanners respectively and wanted to fish the bomb. It was whilst setting up that Vic caught his leg in a gap on the platform and was lucky not to break his ankle after losing his balance, ending up with just a nasty graze on his shin. A few of the others spread themselves out around the fishery and were trying out different things.
I wanted to see if different hair lengths made a difference. I had been told that longer than normal hairs were catching on the bomb so tied a few up in readiness for the session. PR36s with a two finger hair and band set at 14inch in length. I had a selection of 1 finger hairs and some that were tied tight to the shank, I also had a few with double bands on to fish with multiple baits.
I started off on the bomb and fished to the island pinging 8mm coarse pellets regularly. I set up two bomb rods one with a longer hair whilst the other had a standard 1 finger hair. It was slow to start but eventually I started getting a few fish to 7lb on a standard hair. The longer hair produced only 2 fish during the session with more little plucks on the line rather than proper pulls. I had around 14 fish before having a look on the pole down the edge.
The pole line was set to fish down the edge towards 12 where you have an undercut bank and plenty of tree roots for the fish to escape to. Fishing corn over corn saw me catch around 6 fish before number 7 destroyed my long number 4. A quick change to a stiffer short 4 and I was still catching at the end of the session.
Vic's day was a similar story, fishing the bomb to the larger island of the two he had in front of him, he would catch a few fish before it went quiet and then another burst of fish. For those who read my Viaduct blog post you will know that he lost his £500 rod and reel when a fish pull his rod in. Guess what happened again. This time he was lucky and managed to catch it with his landing net. He is not meant to have this rod and reel.
The key was to keep feeding during these quiet spells and not slacken off. Vic also had a go on the pole at around 5m with corn where he had a few skimmers and odd carp.
After meeting up with the rest of the lads who by now had nearly all turned up, we were placed in Cedar Lodge for the next week with Gazza and Pedro. It was good to catch up and to be honest it seemed as if we were never away from the place. The craic was still there and with the Yam Yams in "holiday " mode the drinking soon started.

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